Testing plays a crucial role in software development. When you’ve completed a code module and wish to merge it into the main branch, it’s essential to ensure that the code adheres to the style guidelines and functions correctly. This is where testing becomes crucial. Since testing is a repetitive task, automating the testing process can greatly reduce the time and effort required to validate the code. Therefore, in this post, I’ll demonstrate how to utilize GitHub Actions for automating the testing process, which encompasses checking code formatting, linting, and running unit tests
Tag: Testing
In software development, it’s common to write functions that interact with cloud services. Instead of testing these functions against the actual cloud services, we can utilize Localstack to create local mock versions of these services. This approach enables us to test our functions without network dependencies and without altering the state of the real cloud services. In this post, we will explore how to use Localstack to test functions that interact with AWS DynamoDB.